Apache Airavata Update

  1. In order to update Airavata with latest master code; go to the folder (Created in installation; LocalAiravata) initially created to clone Airavata.
  2. Within your local folder navigate to folder 'airavata' and execute
    git pull 
    Hint: If you are in the wrong folder you would probably get message
    'fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git'
  3. Now build the code
     mvn clean install
    Hint: To avoid the 'tests on install' run
    mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
  4. Once the build is success, stop the running Airavata server. You can either stop the java server using
    kill -9 <process ID>
    Navigate to bin folder where airavata server exists (LocalAiravata/apache-airavata-server-0.15-SNAPSHOT/bin). and stop the server
    ./airavata-server.sh stop -force
  5. For references, back up the currently existing release
    mv apache-airavata-server-0.15-SNAPSHOT apache-airavata-server-0.15-SNAPSHOT-bk
  6. Copy the new release to your local folder (LocalAiravata)
    cp /<path to created folder>/LocalAiravata/airavata/distribution/target/apache-airavata-server-0.16-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar.gz .
  7. Un-tar the copied new release
    tar -xvf apache-airavata-server-0.16-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar.gz
  8. Navigate to the new bin folder and back up airavata-server.properties and gfac-config.yaml files.
  9. Copy your previously used airavata-server.properties from the backed up release to bin folder (This is the easiest way to get the properties file updated. If you prefer, you can change the new file manually. ☺)
    /<your local path>/LocalAiravata/LocalAiravata/apache-airavata-server-0.16-SNAPSHOT-bk/bin/airavata-server.properties .
  10. Copy your previously used gfac-config.yaml from the backed up release
    cp /<your local path>/LocalAiravata/apache-airavata-server-0.16-SNAPSHOT-bk/bin/gfac-config.yaml .
  11. Now compare with the new airavata-server.properties and gfac-config.yaml and make necessary changes in the copied files. Try
     diff airavata-server.properties airavata-server.properties-bk
  12. Check the path correctness of credential store keystore in airavata-server.properties file.
    credential.store.keystore.url=/<your local path>/LocalAiravata/airavata_sym.jks
  13. Go to lib folder and copy mySQL jar (mysql-connector-java-5.1.38-bin.jar) from old backed up lib to the new lib
      cp /home/airavata/LocalAiravata/apache-airavata-server-0.16-SNAPSHOT-bk/lib/mysql-connector-java-5.1.38-bin.jar .
  14. Now restart airavata server in bin folder
    ./airavata-server.sh start
  15. Airavata ready for job submissions!
  16. For PGA updating steps try PGA Update.